Children Ministry

The Living Faith Temple has a vibrant children’s ministry. Children’s ministry seeks to guide our children to Christ, inspiring them to live God centred lives. This education and discipling is in line with LFT’s values and beliefs.

Children are a gift from God (Psalms 127:3-5). Children can grow in grace and can use their spiritual gifts to the glory of God (2Peter3:18).

As a ministry, the LFT has the responsibility to fulfil its pledge to nurture and train children in the ways of the Lord. (Psalms 78:1-11)

For our children’s ministry curriculum, wellness policies and child protection policies, please do contact the head of our children’s ministry.

The children’s ministry seeks to use relevant methods to teach the children the ways of God. If you want your child to be part of this great work, please fill in the parental consent form and send it back to us.

God bless.

Please download the consent form Here