Is the ladies ministry at Living faith temple whose aim is to strategically position the woman to be the best in every area of her life. The Ladies ministry vision can be summarised by Pastor Naomi’s opening address at the ground breaking woman of excellence conference 2010 held on October 9 at the Living Faith Temple.
I believe it is my calling, your calling; in fact it is our destiny to become women of excellence.
The word EXCELL from the dictionary means to:
- To be superior
- To surpass or to outdo
- To be extraordinary
- To be the best
- And to be exceptional
Do not look down upon yourself woman of God, you have been created to be superior, created to surpass, you have been created to outdo, to excel and to be extraordinary. Square your shoulders, hold your head high it is your season to excel in EVERY AREA of your life:
- In your marriage
- In your character
- In your gift or ministry
- In your relationship with God
- At your work place
- At university
Talk excellence, think excellence, walk excellence, love excellence and be excellent. What ever you do, your standard of measurement is excellence. Refuse to be an ORDINARY woman, refuse to be AN AVERAGE WOMAN, refuse to be in the MIDDLE OF THE PACK, refuse MEDIOCRITY, that’s not our portion.
One writer of excellence said ‘TODAYS EXCELLENCE IS TOMOROWS MEDIOCRITY’. Do not rest on what you did yesterday but desire to move to the next dimension. Let me mention again, the word EXCELLENCE means; having great MERIT OR EFFECIENCY.
Merit – Having commendable qualities and worthiness.
Efficient – Adequate in performance or operation, capable, competent.
You have come to this conference to be challenged to rise up because you have a GREAT MERIT AND A GREAT EFFECIENCY. You are adequate in performance, you are capable and competent. Remember you have great merit meaning you have commendable qualities and you have worthiness. The NIV bible describes EXCELLENCE as NOBLE CHARACTER, The AMPLIFIED describes EXCELLENCE as STRENGTH, WORTH, CAPABILITY, VIRTUE OR STRONG IN CHARACTER. The bible gives some scriptures about a woman of excellence in PROV 31 V 10 from AMP.
‘A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, who is he who can find her. She is far more precious than jewels, and her value is far above rubies or pearls.’ – PROV 31 V 10
The bible also clearly shows a woman of excellence in Proverbs 31:29, ‘Many daughters have done well but you excel them all’.
Woman of God you might have made mistakes in life and you might make a mistake in the future, David was far from perfect but he was a man after God’s own heart. Make it your goal today to strive for the things that God has called you to do whole heartedly according to best of your ability.